Ireland’s Foreign Ministry denies Sudanese army attacks on EULEX in Khartoum

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement that it had received clarifications from the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and EULEX regarding a video of accusations of aggression against the European Union Ambassador in Khartoum recently. The Irish Foreign Office confirmed to our Dublin mission that the video included a misrepresentation of the Irish Minister’s statement. For its part
EULEX in Khartoum categorically denied that its personnel had been attacked by uniformed forces and that the video had attempted to promote it. It condemned media misrepresentation and misinformation in the context of a well-known propaganda campaign.

The mission confirmed that the video contained several composite content misrepresentation clips for inspiration and misinformation. The video showed amputated talk by the European Mission’s regional security adviser about incidents of theft and attacks in the surrounding areas and never about any assault by the military. The mission regretted this distortion and misinformation in the context of the propaganda campaign and expressed its full appreciation and respect for the Sudanese Armed Forces.

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