Jaafar Hassan announces formation of committee to select legislative and local councils

The official spokesman for the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change, Jaafar Hassan, following a meeting for the FFC Central Council , held at the National Umma Party House in Omdurman that Sudan is on the threshold of a civil democratic rule, and this is a victory for the whole country.

Jaafar added that the meeting of the Central Leadership Council approved visits to Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Chad and Ethiopia, and revealed that a committee had been formed to select the Legislative Council and the Local Council.

He indicated the the draft of the final agreement has been completed and will be presented at meeting at the Republican Palace to confirm the announced timings, indicating that the security and military reform workshop will start tomorrow, Sunday, at 10 am and will continue until Wednesday.

Jaafar noted that with the approach of the final signing date, rumors began to be spread against the agreement in order to disrupt it, stressing: “to those behind it we say that the Sudanese people are fully aware, and that the political process is proceeding to its end as planned, and since October 25, Sudan has been completely paralyzed economically, and we are now about to form a government and open up to the world, and it will lift the suffering of the Sudanese people.”

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