Judicial reforms threaten the future of the Israeli economy

Economists unanimously agreed that the Benjamin Netanyahu government’s plan to reform the Israeli judicial system will have repercussions on the Israeli economy, growth and investments.

Also they cleared that would cause damage to the economy, in addition to significantly affecting Israel’s credit rating.

Political economist Dan Ben David – a professor at Tel Aviv University – believes that reforms in the judiciary will have repercussions on the Israeli economy, as it is not possible to determine the extent of the damage and the sectors that will be affected.

Against the background of many foreign investment companies withdrawing their savings from Israeli banks and transferring them abroad. As well as the announcement of the Israeli technology company “Resquiped”, which stated that it would transfer its assets abroad.

He even made it clear to its employees that it would help them move and work from Portugal experts and specialists unanimously agree that the main damage is yet to come and its extent will be revealed in the long run.

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