Khartoum refinery is fully operational after a partial stoppage

Operations at the Khartoum refinery resumed on Monday after being partially halted “due to the sabotage of a pipeline transporting Nile mix ore.”

“The bug has been fixed, and the pumping continues at a higher rate than there is inventory in the reservoirs at the central processing stations.”

The stoppage had been the result of the vandalism of a line in the concrete area, but thanks to the engineers’ efforts the malfunctions had been repaired and the refinery had returned to work well.

For its part, the Director General of the Khartoum Refinery Munira Mahmood announced that the refinery was working well, adding that the inventory was reassuring.

The Sudanese Ministry of Energy had announced that operations at the Khartoum Sudanese refinery had been “partially interrupted” by the sabotage of a pipeline, without further details.

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