Khartoum responds to Kenyan and Ethiopian statements about a leadership vacuum in Sudan

A source in the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the talk of Ethiopia and Kenya about a leadership vacuum in the country is just wishes and the embodiment of the desires of international powers.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Sudanese government expressed its rejection of the IGAD statement’s reference to discussing the deployment of East African emergency forces to protect civilians in Sudan.

The statement denounced the statements made by the Kenyan President previously and repeated them during the press conference following the Quartet meetings.

Foreign Ministry also expressed its surprise at the statements of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia about a vacuum in the country’s leadership, which explains his lack of recognition of the current leadership.

The Kenyan President William Ruto had called at the end of the summit of the Quartet Mechanism of IGAD to form a new leadership urgently in Sudan, while the Ethiopian Prime Minister warned of a political vacuum and demanded the imposition of a no-fly zone in preparation for a cease-fire.

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