Massive explosion shook city of Khartoum

Today, Saturday, a massive explosion shook the Sudanese city of Khartoum. While the Sudanese army increased its operations against RSF rallies, which in turn targeted targets in Omdurman, columns of heavy smoke continued to fill the area.

The explosion took place as a result of a fire that started in an aviation fuel depot inside Khartoum International Airport, according to a military source in the Sudanese army.

The explosion occurs in the midst of the Sudanese army’s ongoing artillery shelling and heavy airstrikes against a number of Rapid Support Forces targets in central Khartoum, the sports city area, and the camp grounds south of the capital.

The Soba region, east of Khartoum, witnessed warplanes attack Rapid Support targets, today’s artillery and air strikes are the heaviest of their sort in recent days.

Due to the army’s ongoing, heavy artillery and drone strikes, loud explosions could be heard today in Omdurman and Khartoum North.

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