Meeting of the Tripartite Military Commission on Freedom and Change “National Consensus” on the national dialogue

The Vice-President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo of the Republican Palace today chaired the first consultative meeting between the Tripartite Military Commission and the Forces for Freedom and Change “National Consensus Group”.

The spokesman of the Tripartite Military Commission, Brigadier General Nabil Abdullah Ali, stated in a press statement that the meeting was part of a consultation on the management of the national dialogue, noting that the meeting was transparent and prevailed in the consultative spirit.

His Excellency said that the Tripartite Military Commission had stressed the need for inclusive dialogue, stating that the purpose of the bilateral meetings held was to hear the other’s point of view on the conduct of inclusive national dialogue.

For his part, professor Ali Khalifa Askouri is a member of the Leading Committee for Freedom and Change. The National Consensus Group heard a detailed report on the tripartite mechanism’s meetings with the Central Council for Freedom and Change and the military component held last week. It noted the vision of the National Consensus Group on dialogue, stressing that the two sides agreed to support the tripartite mechanism’s efforts as the only mechanism available for dialogue, pointing to the existence of fundamental pillars, which all parties seek to strengthen.

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