Member of the Sovereign Council Dr. Salma Abdul Jabbar, standing on this year’s Hajj arrangements

Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council Dr. Salma Abdul-Jabbar Al-Mubarak briefed on the latest arrangements for the performance of the Hajj rite for the current year 1443 Hijriya, along with the results of the travel of the Hajj mission to Saudi Arabia.

During her meeting with the Republican Palace today, the member of the Sovereign Council directed the Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments in charge, Mr. Abdelatti Ahmed Abbas, to overcome all the difficulties faced by the pilgrims of Beit Allah al-Haram and to provide them with comfort, and the administration of the pilgrimage took over administrative matters so that Haj can perform effortlessly.

In a press release, the Minister of Religious Affairs and Waqf announced the holding of a press conference on Tuesday to review the costs and procedures of this year’s pilgrimage, noting that the meeting addressed the 11 package arrangements related to Al Hadj in Saudi Arabia.

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