Minister of Education Spread of Drugs represents Real Challenge

Acting Minister of Education Mahmoud Sir-Al-katim Al-Huri said that the spread of drugs in our counrty has become a real challenge a matter that all popular and official institutions have to face it.

During his address to the workshop organized by the Sudanese National Education and Science Committee in collaboration with Islamic Educational, Science and Culture Organization (ISESCO) targeting the capacity building of the Ministry’s personnel in order to develop curricula and integrate citizenship at school curriculum.

The Minister said it is high time to ring alarm bells, stressing the need to confront this phenomenon that threatens and kills our society , pointing out that the process of integrating citizenship values into school curricula is the safe and effective way to limit the spread of drugs, noting the importance and seriousness of the curricula’s authors in bringing about change and in preparing generations capable of making the future and committed to social values.

For his part, Director of the National Center for Educational Curriculum, Dr. Muawiya Al-Sir Qashi, said that the issue of global citizenship education has a major focus of concern for the center since it was announced by the United Nations in the year 2012 in the Education for All initiative and that received the attention of Sudanese educational experts, indicating that the center has started work seriously to include the concepts and values of global citizenship in Sudanese education since the regional conference in 2015 and included basic recommendations in this aspect.

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