Minister of Social Development inspects institutions in Kass and Murshing

Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakhit, Federal Minister of Social Development, as part of his visit to South Darfur, inspected a number of educational, health and service institutions in Kass and Mersheng localities in Southern Darfur.

The Minister and his accompanying delegation addressed the people of Umm al-Qarya, Mersheng and the men of the community administration of Kass. They called on the people to uphold the values of religion and peaceful coexistence, revive the values of solidarity and compassion. They affirmed their support for the Koran, teach rural women about their religion, develop centres for the development of women and travellers and support displaced persons’ camps.

For his part, Professor Hamid al-Tajani Hanoun Wally of the State of Southern Darfur saluted the mujahedat of rural women and the role of the civil administration in stability, peaceful coexistence and tolerance.

The Wali announced his support for the Umm al-Qura Khalawi in the amount of Pound5 million, affirming the sending of advocates and advocates to Khalawi Umm al-Qarri to teach the Koran and teach women about their religion and the value of the role of the Vice-President of the Sovereign Council in providing support to the state’s service institutions and calling on the Minister to take care of productive projects.

On a related level, Mr. Ibrahim Musa Issa, Secretary-General of the Zakat Diwan, supported the Khalawat of the Koran and service institutions by more than 15 million pounds, stressing the support of women’s centres, food baskets and productive and agricultural projects for stability, peace and development in the country.

Dr. Bashir Mohamed Al-Mahi Director General of Health Insurance to provide health insurance services and provide more than a thousand cards to displaced persons in Kass local camps and provide medical devices to the Umm Al-Qarya Center in Mersheng.

D ‘ Ezzedine Safi, Director General of the Social Safety and Poverty Reduction Commission, we are working in coordination with all institutions of the Ministry and various State institutions to reduce poverty and stand with vulnerable groups. He reaffirmed his commitment to establish an integrated service complex in Umm al-Qarya city, which owns the families of orphans and the amount of 1 million pounds of nutrition for students in the Khawi um al-Kariya compound.

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