Obituary and appeal of Arab Tribes of the Republic of Chad to Sudan

Obituary and appeal

With great feelings of pain and grief, the Council of Arab Tribes of the Republic of Chad mourns the hundreds of our sons who have been victims of a senseless war waged by personal ambitions for the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces, in the brother Republic of Sudan.

The Rapid Support Forces took advantage of the difficult economic, security and political conditions that our people in Chad suffer from and recruited thousands of people under a lie. They were sent to Yemen, but unfortunately they were led to their deaths in this humiliating way.

We call on what remains of them in the ongoing battles to surrender to the Sudanese army, and we also call on General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Commander Minni Arko Minawi to play a positive role in the process of rescuing our detainees and captives son except their country.

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