Panel of Experts on the Sudan under resolution 1591/2005 meets with officials of the Ministry of Justice

The representative of the Ministry of Justice of the National Coordinator for Security Council resolution 1591, General Counsel/Aisha Abdelmadjid Imam, met with the Panel of Experts on the Sudan established by resolution 1591/2005.

The visit follows their mandate to monitor the implementation of the measures imposed by the Security Council (arms embargo, travel ban and assets freeze), including monitoring any violations of the sanctions regime where they assess progress made to curb violations of the arms embargo by all parties, Investigate all means of financing armed groups in Darfur, remove obstacles to the political process, address threats to stability in Darfur and in the region and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, including attacks on civilians and provide information on individuals and entities who meet the listing criteria set out in paragraph 3c of resolution 1591 (2003).

During the meeting, the delegation heard an enlightenment on the role played by the Ministry of Justice in relation to the topics following the Panel’s mandate, in accordance with the themes of the administration of justice as one of the most important priorities of the transition period, through legal and institutional reforms in accordance with paragraph 8 of the constitutional document in order to develop the legal and justice system and ensure the independence of the judiciary, the rule of law and adherence to public justice and transitional justice issues in particular.

The delegation was briefed on the position of the implementation of the National Plan for the Protection of Civilians. The activities developed under the Plan of the Ministry of Justice also referred to the challenges facing the Sudan in fulfilling its international obligations, which limit the fulfilment of its role in an integrated manner to implement those commitments and, in particular, the severe economic crisis afflicting the Sudan.

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