President of the Bar Association: The party that prepared the draft constitution is illegitimate

The head of the suspended Sudanese Bar Association, Dr. Othman Al-Sharif, criticized the proposed draft constitution prepared by the Steering Committee of Lawyers, and said that the draft first contained many linguistic, spelling and drafting errors.

And he said in an audio recording that the party that prepared this draft itself is illegitimate, considering that its term has expired and has not been renewed, considering what this committee has done is a clear transgression of senior and junior lawyers in Sudan. He explained that the draft constitutions must be preceded by workshops, meetings and writings, and that this committee did not do so, which confirms that it is a draft made that does not conform to the environment of Sudan.

Al-Sharif played with the proposed draft constitution because the committee did not conduct workshops, seminars or consult legal professionals, and said that these papers, which we are unable to call any name, are characterized by many linguistic, drafting and orthographic errors, stressing that there are accusations that this draft was not prepared by this category, as it is a clear repetition of the same error that Signed by those who drafted the constitutional document.

Al-Sharif said that the international community’s acceleration to welcome this draft indicates a clear indication that they are the ones who made it and put it and they want to colonize Sudan through a small group, stressing that the constitution does not divide power, but rather works to organize it. He stressed that the elected Bar Association is a union for all and not for a specific group He said that the so-called Steering Committee of Lawyers is not an elected union, and quotas came from the coalition parties by a decision on its tasks in a specific period, and it failed to carry out its tasks and did not provide any services, but rather did not protect human rights. In addition, her mandate has expired and has not been renewed.

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