Qatar Charity launches caravan for those affected by Blue Nile

Qatar Charity in Sudan has launched a food aid convoy to provide relief to those displaced by recent events in Blue Nile State. Sudanese authorities commended the rapid response of Qatar Charity’s field teams to the call they launched to assist and provide them with the necessary food assistance.

Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakhit, Minister of Social Development, at the launch of the convoy at Qatar Charity Headquarters in Khartoum today, expressed appreciation for Qatar and Qatar’s humanitarian efforts in most countries of the world and commended their support for voluntary return projects in the Sudan and their recent relief intervention in the Blue Nile, calling for this to be in the balance of deep-rooted relations between the two peoples of Qand Sud. (We hope that our country will recover from these disasters and move together towards development and human well-being).

Sudan’s Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Najmuddin Musa praised the support of the State of Qatar and said: “We thank Qatar Charity for its great effort in launching a convoy for urgent intervention to address the complex humanitarian situation in Blue Nile State.

Qatar Charity was a major humanitarian partner, active and engaged in large and very large work and projects in most of the Sudan’s states.

The Chargé d ‘affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in the Sudan, Consul Rashid Al-Hamidi Al-Marri, said that the relief intervention of brothers in Qatar is a continuation and extension of Qatar and Qatar’s fraternal charity efforts to support its siblings in the Sudan through many Qatar institutions that have continued to provide advanced support whenever required.

He added: “We take this opportunity to emphasize the depth and roots of the relations between the State of Qatar and the Republic of the Sudan. These relations have continued to develop and will continue to do so, God willing, thanks to the eagerness and interest of the two countries’ leaders to support and strengthen them and deepen the channels of cooperation in all areas.”

Furthermore, Engineer Hassan Odeh, Director of the Sudan Office, noted that the urgent humanitarian intervention for the relief of displaced persons in Blue Nile State was part of a project to help poor families dictated by humanitarian duty, and was in line with what Qatar Charity has been doing since its inception in the Sudan more than 27 years ago, where it has always been on schedule to assist in all crises and natural disasters.

Odeh explained that the launch of the affected relief convoy is part of a project aimed at distributing 7,500 food baskets, i.e. about 345 tons of food, in coordination with relevant actors, including the Humanitarian Aid Commission and the Ministry of Social Development, in addition to Save the Children.

Odeh revealed that the first relief convoy for those affected by Blue Nile State, where 2,000 families affected by recent events will be provided with 92 tons of assistance spread over (2000) a food basket weighing one basket (46) kilograms of flour, sugar, oil, rice, lentils, dates, milk and other items necessary for displaced persons.

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