Russia calls on the Security Council to vote for an immediate humanitarian truce in Gaza

Russia asked the United Nations Security Council to vote tomorrow, Monday, on a draft resolution related to the conflict between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), calling for an immediate humanitarian truce and denouncing violence against civilians and “all acts of terrorism,” according to the Russian Sputnik news agency.

Dmitry Polyansky, the Russian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, said yesterday, Saturday, that no amendments have been made to the text since it was presented to the 15 members of the Council the day before yesterday, Friday, adding that it is expected to be voted on at 3 p.m. Eastern US time. United (1900 GMT) Monday.

Russia had previously prepared a draft resolution for the UN Security Council, calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

The draft resolution expresses deep concern about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, affirms the necessity of protecting the Israeli and Palestinian civilian population, and calls for the delivery of humanitarian aid and the safe evacuation of civilians in need.

The Russian project condemns “all acts of violence against civilians and terrorist acts,” and calls for the release of “all hostages,” in reference to the Israelis who were captured by the Palestinian resistance in the first hours of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation that it launched 8 days ago.

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