Russia may demand compensation over Nord Stream blasts: Diplomat

Russia may seek compensation over damage from last year’s explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

The pipelines, which connect Russia and Germany under the Baltic Sea, were hit by unexplained blasts last September in what Moscow called an act of “international terrorism”.

The Nord Stream pipelines were intended to bring Russian gas to Germany, though since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine a year ago, Berlin has taken steps to reduce its reliance on Russian hydrocarbons.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia would establish who was behind the blasts before claiming any compensation.

The leaks in the Baltic Sea led to what is likely the biggest single release of climate-damaging methane ever recorded, the United Nations Environment Programme said.

Western countries, including Germany, have said they believe the blasts were a deliberate act but declined to say who they think was responsible.

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