Sandal: The Security Arrangements Protocol is entering a new phase

The Joint High Military Committee for Security Arrangements, based in Khartoum, held an extensive meeting under the chairmanship of Major General Ala ‘Aladdin Osman Mirghani, Chairman of the Committee, and Dr. Suleiman Sundal Haqqar, Alternate Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of the Committee’s membership.

The meeting heard an assessment of the experience of graduating the first batch of security and civilian protection forces from specialized committees for the purpose of evaluating the work.

Lieutenant General Suleiman Sundal, alternate chairman of the Committee, said in a press statement that the meeting had discussed the overall structure of the recently graduated forces in the North Darfur city of El Fasher.

Commending the efforts of the Governor of the Darfur region and the State of Northern Darfur to provide everything necessary to graduate this push, noting the response of the international community represented in the State of Southern Sudan, a number of ambassadors of States and the representative of the UNTAMS mission to participate in the graduation events represents a positive signal of the international community’s interest in the implementation of the Peace Agreement and a strong push for the Commission to continue its work.

He explained that the Committee had begun to develop an operational plan for the graduating payment. They were ready to protect civilians, activate the Committee’s role with the Basing Committees and the Ceasefire Commission, and activate relations with UNTAMS to facilitate the flow of information in relation to the entry into force of a new phase of the implementation of the Protocol on Security Arrangements.

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