Session of joint talks between the Sudan and Ethiopia

The Sudanese and Ethiopian sides held joint discussions on bilateral relations and prospects for joint cooperation on the margins of the Tana Forum in Bahradar, Ethiopia. The Sudanese side was chaired by the Chairman of the Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan, and the Ethiopian side was headed by Prime Minister AbAbAbiy Ahmed.

During the meeting, the President of the Sovereign Council affirmed his pleasure in participating in the Tana Forum on issues of peace and security in Africa, referring to the historical relations between the Sudanese and Ethiopian peoples.

Al-Burhan stressed that the two peoples have a common destiny, stating that the outstanding issues between the two States can be resolved through dialogue and affirming the Sudan’s desire to maintain close relations with neighbour Ethiopia.

On the issue of the Renaissance Dam, it was possible to reach agreement on the Dam’s technical issues.

He welcomed the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s proposal for economic integration between Ethiopia and the Sudan.

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, for his part, expressed gratitude for the participation of the President of the Sovereign Council in the Tana Forum and said that the relationship with the Sudan was special.

The Renaissance Dam project would have great benefits for the Sudan and would not be an adversary. Abiy Ahmed had proposed a mechanism for economic integration between the two countries.

The two sides believed that all border problems should be addressed peacefully through the specialized technical committees.

The Sudanese delegation included the Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge, Ambassador Ali Sadik, the Director of the General Intelligence Service, Lieutenant General Ahmed Ibrahim Mufadil, and Ambassador Jamal Sheikh, the Sudan’s Ambassador to Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian delegation included the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Governor of Amhara Province.

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