Sudan and Morocco Sign Legal Cooperation Protocol

A legal cooperation protocol was signed in the premises of the Public Prosecution between Sudan and Morocco, which provides for combating crime, human trafficking, illegal immigration, and the exchange of convicts between the two countries, within the framework of the Moroccan Public Prosecutor’s several-day visit to the country.

The agreement was signed by the Attorney General, Khalifa Ahmed Khalifa, for Sudan and the Moroccan Attorney General, Al-Hassan Al-Zaki.

Khalifa said that the visit of the Moroccan Attorney General and his accompanying delegation aims to tighten coordination and cooperation and to sign a bilateral protocol between the two countries, in addition to reactivating a previous protocol that was signed before, indicating that there is a lot of mutual work between the two countries represented in training and qualifying cadres and other areas of cooperation.

On his part, Moroccan Attorney General Al-Hassan Al-Zaki praised the relations between the two countries, stressing the importance of work to reactivate the cooperation agreement previously concluded between the two countries, stressing the importance of joint work in the fields of justice and legal cooperation to benefit from Sudan’s experiences in this field.

Indicating that he is in the process of reviewing the progress made by Sudan in this field.

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