Sudan participates in the 26th session of the Roma Forestry Commission

The Sudan participates these days in the Italian capital Rome at the 26 session of the Committee on Forests and the eighth World Forestry Week, held from the third to the seventh of the current month.

The Director-General of the National Forestry Commission, Anwar Abdul Hamid Al-Hajj, presented at these meetings a report on the state of forests in the Sudan in addition to the country’s efforts to re-cultivate and enact legislation and policies to raise the proportion of forests to 20% of the country’s area and to raise poverty.

On the margins of the session, two meetings were held with Princess Asma, who built on the Goodwill Ambassador of the Near East and North Africa Region in the presence of the region’s Member States and the second meeting on the project funded by the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the National Forestry Authority of the Wade El-Haleo region of Kassala.

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