Sudan: Sovereignty Council member heralds imminent agreement to solve Sudan crisis 

Member of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan and head of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), El Hadi Idris, revealed on Friday that the disputed parties are close to concluding an agreement on a “common vision” to end the current political crisis in the country.

This came in a speech delivered by Idris during a graduation ceremony of more than fifty graduates of the Holy Quran memorisers in the Mowailih suburb, west of the capital Khartoum, according to a statement of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan.

The statement declared: “El Hadi Idris announced an imminent agreement between the Sudanese parties on a common vision to end the current crisis that the country is witnessing.”

“The SRF, based on its national responsibility in this critical juncture the country is going through, has proposed a national initiative to unite the Sudanese people to set a comprehensive handling of the situation in the country. It is expected that the results of the initiative will appear soon,” the statement expressed.

On 27 March, the SRF announced an initiative to settle the political crisis. The initiative includes two phases: the first is forming a government that manages the interim period, and the second is a dialogue between the political groups regarding the systems of government, constitution and elections.

The initiative came after another one launched by the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) on 8 January to settle the crisis. It held preliminary consultations with various Sudanese political actors.

Since 25 October, Sudan has witnessed protests rejecting exceptional measures taken by the Commander-In-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, particularly imposing a state of emergency and dissolving the interim Sovereignty Council of Sudan and Council of Ministers.

In response to accusations of carrying out a military coup, Al-Burhan asserted that he had taken these measures to “correct the course of the interim period.” He pledged to hand over power through elections or a national consensus.

Prior to these measures, Sudan began an interim phase on 21 August, 2019, to end with elections in early 2024. During this interim phase, power is shared by the army, civilian forces and armed movements that signed a peace agreement with the government in 2020.Sudan protests and Prime Minister resigns - Cartoon [Sabaaneh/Middle East Monitor]

Sudan’s prime minister resigns amid deadlock, anti-coup protests – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/Middle East Monitor]

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