Sultan Dinar announces support for Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue

Sultan Ahmed Dinar Sultan of Darfur received at his home in Khartoum yesterday evening the delegation of the leadership of the Badza tribe in the Sudan led by the overseer Osama Mohammed Al-Faki in the framework of Eid and communication with the Sultanate of Darfur.

Dinar stressed the support of the Civil Administration to seek to resolve the current crisis by Sudanese Sudanese and to include all parties and all people of interest, calling for the country’s interest to prevail and warning against the growth of hate speech and intolerance.

During the meeting, the Sultan reviewed the issues of concern to the national arena and the means of achieving stability, as well as support for the efforts of national consensus among all the citizens of the country in order to serve and promote its interests. The Sultan stated that the visit carried great meanings and confirmed the depth of communication in advance of thanks to the delegation and the counterpart of the Bezaa tribe in the Sudan.

For his part, Mr. Osama Mohammed al-Faki stressed the importance of communicating between all Sudanese at this point in the country’s history, and called on the civil administration to play a greater role in bringing Sudan together on one word and to further circumvent the issues of the homeland.

Al-Fakki thanked Sultan Dinar for its efforts and good welcome, noting the Sultanate of Darfur’s historic status and its remarkable role in all fields

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