Tebboune meets Al-Burhan in Algeria and warns against “foreign interference” in Sudan

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune stressed, on Sunday, his country’s support for Sudan to overcome difficult circumstances in the face of what he called “the forces of evil” targeting it, while the head of the Sovereignty Council and Commander of the Sudanese Army, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, welcomed “Algeria at any table for dialogue or discussion regarding Sudan.”

In joint press statements with Al-Burhan, who is visiting Algeria on Sunday, Tebboune warned against “foreign interference” in Sudan, stressing that the solution to the Sudanese crisis “will only be between the Sudanese.”

Tebboune pointed out that “Algeria stands with the Sudanese people to overcome the difficult conditions experienced by this brotherly country, which is also targeted by the forces of evil,” pointing out that Algeria “is still in favor of resolving any dispute or internal conflict with a purely internal vision, far from any forms of foreign interference.”

He expressed his certainty that “Sudan will overcome this ordeal resulting from the exposed conspiracy against it,” indicating that his country, through its membership in the Security Council, “will make every effort to resolve Sudan’s issues as a sister country.”

For his part, Al-Burhan expressed his happiness that Algeria would be “present at any Arab or regional discussion or negotiation table” regarding the Sudanese crisis.

He pointed out that he discussed with Tebboune “many common issues and topics that concern Sudan and the region,” and “we talked a lot about aspects of cooperation,” noting that “there is a complete understanding and welcome of all expected and desired cooperation issues to be implemented and continued between the two countries.”

Al-Burhan welcomed “every action taken by Algeria, whether at the Arab or African level” to resolve the crisis in Sudan, warning that his country “is now being exposed to a conspiracy – we say a conspiracy – from regional and international partners, and from some souls bought from patriots who conspire against their people, but in the end the sincere and patriotic popular will will prevail.”

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