Tens of thousands join Fridays For Future climate strike

A rally was held in Berlin, where police said more than 20,000 people had gathered in a disabled park near the government district, and thousands had also taken part in similar rallies in Hamburg and major cities.

Organizers planned to hold protests in more than 250 cities across Germany, and the call was supported by many associations for the protection of nature and the environment, and demonstrators took to the streets in many other countries. This was the movement’s 11th call for global protest since its inception in 2018.

Tens of thousands participated in demonstrations in about 250 German cities, including the capital, Berlin, for the climate and demanding the expansion of renewable energy projects.

The demonstrations – organized by the “Fridays for Future” movement – called for the adoption of a special fund of 100 billion euros for the comprehensive expansion of renewable energy and for “social climate protection”. They also demanded debt relief for poor countries and permanent, universal access to affordable energy.

Climate advocates are calling for an end to fossil fuels, the rapid expansion of renewable energy sources, as well as an “appropriate shift in traffic.”

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