The Coalition and Education celebrate World Literacy Day

The Department of Adult Education of the Ministry of Education and Guidance, in cooperation with the Sudanese Coalition for Education for All and the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education, celebrated World Literacy Day last evening under the dignified patronage of the Director General of the Marine Warriors Authority.

The ceremony was addressed by Mr. Mahmoud Sirlakht Al-Hawri, Minister of Education in charge, and he expressed his pleasure at attending this event, which frames a major literacy work and praises the work that has been done and represents a future for good work within the state.

For his part, Professor Hashim Ali Essy, Director General of the Education Sector, stressed the importance of science and the fight against illiteracy, noting the importance of focusing on literacy and technical literacy as well as alphabetical illiteracy.

Professor Naji El Shafei, Director of the Sudanese Coalition for Education for All, explained that literacy needs great work, so concerted efforts must be made to achieve the goal and eradicate illiteracy by 2030 and develop a clear vision and strategy for continuing the learning process and fighting dropping out.

Professor Ayesha Desai, Director of the General Department of Adult Education and Alternative Education, who welcomed the guests at the beginning of her speech, said that we are working to fight illiteracy and that we are interested in educating children and young people outside school and adults to get them into education.
The celebration was interspersed with admirable paragraphs from the Tree Center Division, the Hope Division and the opening of the accompanying exhibition. Models of certificates for illiterate graduates and poetry readings were distributed.

Professor Ayesha Desai presented a success story to Ms. Zainab Mohamed Musib as an example of a struggling and struggling woman who was free from illiteracy and honored during the celebration.

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