The Committee on Violations and Practices of the Rebel Rapid Support Forces takes an oath

The Committee on Violations and Practices of the rebel Rapid Support Forces, took the oath in front of Malik Aqar Air, the vice president of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, and a representative of the head of the judiciary.

Juma Al-Wakil, a committee member and the executive director of the National Commission for Human Rights, announced the verdict in press releases on “Saturday.” According to him, the committee specializes in looking into the transgressions and crimes committed by the rebel Rapid Support Forces.

Jumaa also stated that the committee’s duties included investigating all RSF offenses and drafting a legal memorandum that would be presented to the UN, the Security Council, and the Human Rights Council.

He said that all state prosecutors must accept accusations from individuals and organizations without being constrained by jurisdiction, per the Attorney General’s directive.

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