The Council of Arab Ministers of Information honors the former Director of the Sudan News Agency

The Arab Ministers of Information of the League of Arab States, who will begin work tomorrow in Cairo, will be honored by Mr. Mustafa Amin Ismail, the former director of the Sudan News Agency.

The tribute comes among five directors and founders of Arab news agencies.

The following is the curriculum vitae of the late Professor Mustafa Amin, former Director of the Sudan News Agency.

  • Name: Mustafa Amin Ismail Al-Amin – Date of birth: 1-1-1931
  • Place of birth, Um Derman- Sudan
    1960-1971 Enrolled in the daily newspaper Political Days.
  • He began his press career as a correspondent for the Sudanese newspaper Al-Ayyam from the cities of Sennar in central Sudan and El Fasher in western Sudan
  • First served as a press informant and then was chosen by the newspaper’s management as Secretary of Editorial – 1972 – 1973
    Deputy Director of Sudan News Agency -1973 – 1986
    Director General, Sudan News Agency
  • Self-employed at a high level without enrolling in academic institutions
  • Is a skilled journalist in the news industryHonesty, honesty and accuracy
  • Specialized in the work of the press secretariat and supervised the printed material until its issuance.
  • He was working on making proposals in news coverage and using news management techniques, maintaining a positive public image.

Accomplishments: –

Mustafa Amin moved the Sudan News Agency from the stage of runeo machines to the stage of “tickers” as the first new technological experiment in Sudan after local agencies relied on printing news with hand-held runyo machines.

  • Under his leadership, he became one of the first African agencies to switch from a wireless system to satellites in the middle of the last century.
  • Expansion of the transmission network, where the Agency opened offices in all capitals of the Sudanese governorates and provided them with telex devices to transmit the news of the governorates first.
  • Supervised the establishment of the branch of the Pan-African News Agency (Bana) – Khartoum office to cover East African news.
  • Enter in 1976 for the first time in the Arab world the device “Albayb” or “Mejer” which provides communication between employees.
  • In 1984, former President Jafar Nimiri awarded him the rank of Minister of State.

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