The High Commissioner affirms his support for efforts to promote human rights in the Sudan

This morning, Mr. Volker Türk, High Commissioner for Human Rights, held a meeting with the national human rights machinery under the chairmanship of Maulana Juma, Deputy Facilitator, Rapporteur of the national human rights machinery and advised Mr. High Commissioner on the national machinery’s functions and membership, which included 18 government organs headed by the Minister of Justice, It also addressed the National Plan for the Protection of Human Rights and the National Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Universal Periodic Review Recommendations accepted (2022-2026).

He also touched upon the axis of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons, noting that the Sudan hosted large numbers of migrants as a transit state.

The decision of the Mechanism also addressed the Agreement on the Establishment of the Country Office between the Government of the Sudan and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2019, as well as the functions and terms of reference of the Office, and commended the cooperation of the Country Office with the Mechanism.

The High Commissioner also heard interventions from members of the National Debt Mechanism (NDM) stressing the importance of providing technical and logistical support in the area of training and capacity-building.

For his part, the High Commissioner reiterated their willingness to provide support, stressing the need to join hands and accept others, uphold the values of human rights in freedom, peace and justice, adding, “Human rights are indivisible.”

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