TSC Member Meets Tripartite Mechanism Delegation

The Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) and Chairperson of Revolutionary Front Al-Hadi Idris, met with the tripartite mechanism delegation of UN, the African Union and the IGAD, headed by Dr. Volker Perthes.

The TSC member briefed the tripartite mechanism’s delegation on the outcome of his visit to the Republic of South Sudan which has a direct relationship with peace process and workshops expected to be held in upcoming days within the political process.

Following the meeting Dr. Al-Hadi said in a press statement that South Sudan State, in its capacity as mediator and guarantor of the peace agreement, must have a role in the workshops, particularly on the peace and the East issue.

He pointed out that his visit to Juba touched on the role of South Sudan State regarding the political process currently taking place in Sudan.

He indicated that the signatories of the Framework Agreement agreed during a recent workshop on the necessary of participation of the mediator state in the peace process through peace workshops and the East issue, stressing that he exchanged views with the tripartite mechanism delegation on the means of finding a basic role for South Sudan on the political process that currently is carried out.

Dr. Al-Hadi stressed that the tripartite mechanism understood the matter and expressed its welcome to the Juba visit.

Dr. Al-Hadi said that he thanked the tripartite mechanism for its efforts to facilitate the political process, indicating that this process has achieved great successes and that the framework agreement is an important step in the transition process.

He indicated that the political process has moved to its final stages, pointing out that by the beginning of next February, it would be completed.

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