UNHCR’s new strategy in service delivery

UNHCR stressed that the new United Nations strategy is based on providing services to refugees and their host communities in a parallel manner and that States prioritize services for host communities.

Roel Christopher Netty, Director of the Office of the High Representative for Refugees in the White Nile State, told Costi’s Office to meet with media and journalists following the Ramadan breakfast organized by UNHCR in the presence of Engineer Mustafa Omar, Director of Information and Public Relations for his refugee credentials and representatives of UNICEF.

Addressing the role of media agencies in reversing UNHCR’s activities and programmes, refugee issues and host communities, he said that UNHCR was providing services to more than 280 thousand refugees in White Nile within a million refugees hosted by its States of the Sudan.

The services are provided through nine partners, including six government partners. And Christopher’s parents that services are delivered through two strategies that are basic and built in the short term, Long-Term Development Strategy in Education Services s development needs a tolerant atmosphere and a coexisting society in which everyone would agree “. s Office “, and explained that its refugee commissioners played a leading role in coordinating with organizations in identifying needs and providing services.

He emphasized that refugees were in a desperate position to provide protection and that they were in a desperate position to provide services under scarce funding.

In the same context, Eng. Mustafa Omar, Director of Public Relations and Information, stated that the aim of the meeting was to create a partnership between UNHCR and the media to reverse UNHCR’s programmes, noting the services provided to refugees and the host community in the areas of water, health and environmental sanitation education.

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