UNICEF: More than 13 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in Sudan

UNICEF Representative in Sudan (Mandip O’Brien) confirmed that more than 13 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, in light of the difficult humanitarian conditions the country is going through due to the fighting between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

Mandip has requested 100 million dollars immediately to support and scale up the country’s crisis response over the next month.

This comes amid the worsening situation in Sudan in light of the clashes that have killed hundreds, injured thousands, and left most hospitals out of service as a result of the fighting in the capital, Khartoum, and the Darfur region in particular.

The violent fighting in Sudan led to hundreds of civilian casualties, including many children.

The UNICEF representative in Khartoum expressed the readiness of the UN to provide the necessary support in cooperation with its partners, but indicated that the organization needs unrestricted safe access and security in all areas where children need urgent assistance.

She said that the situation in Darfur is a source of particular concern, amid constant communication outages and movement restrictions, while UN Children’s Fund estimates that about 5.6 million children live in the five states of Darfur, of whom about 270,000 children have been newly displaced due to fighting.

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