UNICEF: Sudan’s war puts 24 million children at risk

The head of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Sudan confirmed that if the war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces continues, a “catastrophe for an entire generation” will occur in the country, the first victims of which will be 24 million Sudanese children.

Mandip O’Brien said, “The conflict in Sudan is endangering the health of 24 million children and thus the future of the country, which could have dire consequences for the entire region.”

She added, “The country’s future is in danger. Nearly 20 million children will not go to school this year if there is no quick action.”

O’Brien confirms that “14 million children are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance” in this country of 48 million people, noting that “millions of Sudanese children are exposed to death, injury, recruitment, violence and rape.”

It explains that with the almost complete destruction of infrastructure in Sudan and the attacks on humanitarian organizations and the looting of their warehouses, “7.4 million children have been deprived of access to clean drinking water, and more than 3.5 million children are at risk of contracting diseases related to hygienic conditions, such as cholera,” which has already led to death, dozens in recent months.

In addition, unborn children are also at risk, as the UN official said, “In 2024, 1.3 million children will be born and mothers must be provided with professional support,” while the majority of hospitals are out of service.

Last September, UNICEF announced that 14 million Sudanese children are in need of urgent humanitarian support amid continuing fighting in the country between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

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