UNITAMS accuses RSF and allied militias of targeting the civilian and public facilities

The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) has expressed its deep concern about the serious effects of the fighting between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese army on civilians in Darfur state.

In a statement, the mission condemned the reports indicating that civilians were prevented from leaving for safe areas. This led to casualties, according to the statement.

In its statement, the mission accused the RSF and its allied militias of indiscriminately targeting the civilian population and public facilities in western Darfur.

For its part, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that six million people in Sudan are on the brink of famine, warning of an exacerbation of the food crisis.

The organization added that more than one million people suffer from acute food insecurity, which is equivalent to about forty-two of the population

The High Commissioner for Refugees announced that about three million and five hundred thousand people have been displaced due to the clashes between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

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