Urgent.. Signal from the Army Command to state contingent commanders on governorates

Army commanders in various state units have just received a signal from the General Command regarding the guardian’s exemption.

Identical sources in three states said that the reference called on military commanders to prepare fully and prepare for the governorate’s handover.On Tuesday, the President of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, issued a resolution exempting the five civilians from the Council.

Keep proof of the leaders of the armed movements.In a speech two days ago, Al-Burhan announced the withdrawal of the army from the dialogue process being conducted by the troika of the United Nations and the African Union and led by it to facilitate the resolution of the political crisis and the army’s recent assumption of power last 25 October.

The revolutionary forces, resistance committees and the Freedom and Change Coalition rejected the latter’s rhetoric of proof, viewing it as an open manoeuvre and tactic.The coalition, which was removed from power by the army’s chief, declared an all-out escalation against military authority.

Some 114 people have been killed since the army chief took power last October 25, according to the Sudan’s Central Doctors Committee.

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