USA Ambassador visits North Darfur

The USA ambassador to Sudan, John Goody Free, arrived in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur state, accompanied by a delegation from the embassy, ​​on his first visit outside the federal capital, Khartoum, since he assumed his duties as ambassador to his country on the twenty-fourth of last August.

The USA ambassador and his accompanying delegation of members of the US Congress and US aid official “Mervin Ferro” were received at El Fasher airport, the state’s governor, Nimr Muhammad Abdul Rahman, and a number of members of his government. The governor held a closed meeting with the US ambassador and his accompanying delegation at the General Secretariat of the state government in El Fasher.

He welcomed the visit, stressing that it will greatly contribute to facilitating the embassy’s mission towards supporting and consolidating Sudanese-American relations to serve the interests of the two peoples. Nimr gave a detailed briefing to the US ambassador on the progress of the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement in Sudan, stressing that the implementation is progressing well despite the emergence of some challenges. Adding that his government is looking forward to greater roles for the United States in supporting the development process and providing services to the state’s citizens who are still suffering from the effects of the war.

For his part, Ambassador Goody Free said that the purpose of his visit to El Fasher is to get acquainted with the overall situation in Darfur, especially with regard to the progress of the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement in Sudan, in addition to identifying issues of development and stability in Darfur, and discussing the best ways to develop bilateral relations so that America can play a role

He added that the program of his visit will extend for three days, including a field visit to Zamzam camp for the displaced, 15 km south of El Fasher, in addition to holding a meeting with international organizations and bodies operating in the state, as well as holding a meeting Another with the leaders of the civil administrations and the resistance committees, a visit to El Fasher University, and a visit to the village of Tora, north of El Fasher.

It is noteworthy that Ambassador John Godfrey said in a recorded speech to the Sudanese people after presenting his credentials last Thursday that he looks forward to strengthening the US relationship with the Sudanese people, supporting their desire to advance democratic transformation under civilian leadership, and offering condolences to the families of the victims of the recent floods that struck Sudan It left many deaths, in addition to material damage, adding that he would be an “ambassador to all Sudanese, and that he would travel all over the country to understand Sudanese culture.”

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