Violent fighting continues in Sudan

According to a military source in the Sudanese army, the Rapid Support Forces’ artillery shelling of the Army General Command went on for more than two weeks.

Local reports reported that since this morning’s early hours, the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces have been trading artillery bombardment, with both sides’ locations in eastern and central Khartoum and the area around the Army General Command being the targets.

In response, sources stated that an army march struck Rapid Support targets in the Arquit area, east of Khartoum, and additionally stated that the army also used artillery to bomb the locations of the Rapid Support Forces in Omdurman.

In the meantime, the Rapid Support Forces published pictures claiming to show them taking possession of a Sudanese army base in the North Kordofan State town of Wad Ashana, which is a region close to the borders of the White Nile State in the country’s center.

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