With the active participation of Sudan, the International Conference on the Safety of Oil and Gas Pipelines in Beijing (14) was held

The 14th International Conference on Oil and Gas Pipeline Safety, Hydrogen Energy Storage and Transportation, and the Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Conference were held in Beijing on 24- 25 November with more than 100 Chinese scientists and nearly 20 foreign researchers and students organizing its sessions through live webcasting.

Dr. Yasser Fazal, a member of the Conference Organizing Committee of the University of Petroleum from Beijing, paid tribute in a press statement with the participation of Engineer Hussein Mahmoud, Chief Engineer of the Diesel Hydrotherapy Unit at Khartoum Petroleum Refinery.

He also commended the participation of Sudanese researchers from diaspora countries represented by Dr. Abu Obeida Farah Abdullah Abdul Jabbar and Afaq Abdul Qadir.

China National Petroleum Company China Petrochemical Company China National Marine Oil Company (China National Petrochemical Company) was among the representatives of the invited Chinese entities.

On the other hand, China Petroleum University Beijing, which attaches great importance to the development of pipeline technology and the upgrading of research power to enhance the quality of pipeline technology and safety, has specifically invited experts to discuss and implement the work of development technical committees according to disciplines and expertise.

The list of foreign participants included a number of institutions that included the European Union Academy of Sciences, University of Calgary of Canada s University of Texas A&M University of Basra Iraq Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering UCSI Malaysia University of Sudan University of Science and Technology SUST Turkey International Vocational Training Centre in cooperation with Turkish Global Village Company.

Mention should be made of the gradual increase in the global orientation of hydrogen energy and its use as a clean, renewable and safe energy that allows transport and storage safety.

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