Workshop on the draft anti-trafficking law of 2021

The National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings organized a workshop in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration on the draft law on combating trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants for 2021.

Addressing the conclusion of the workshop at the Corinthia Hotel, Maulana Hoida Ali Awad Al-Karim, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Justice in charge of the Chairman of the National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking, commended the technical support provided by the International Organization for Migration to the Ministry of Justice in general and the National Committee Committee for Combagainst Human Trafficking Trafficking in Particular.

Mr. Ismail Terab, national expert of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, stressed the importance of the workshop. He emphasized that the issue of smuggling of migrants was one of the world’s issues. He noted that the Sudan had ratified it in 2018 and stressed the need to enact a law to combat the smuggling of migrants.

The workshop discussed the international legal framework and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air with the participation of a number of experts, legal experts and specialists to be accompanied in the enactment of a law on the smuggling of migrants.

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