European Union: Lifting the state of emergency is a praiseworthy first step

The European Union welcomed the announcement of the lifting of the state of emergency across the country and the release of detainees as a laudable first step to create an environment conducive to much-needed dialogue.

In a statement to the spokesperson on the lifting of the state of emergency, the Union also welcomed today’s decision to allow Al Jazeera to resume operations in the Sudan.

The European Union said in its statement that now is the time to do more in the Sudan to find a comprehensive and sustainable way out of the current crisis, which is severely affecting the population.

He called on the authorities to continue their efforts to create a genuine enabling environment for dialogue, by completing the release of detainees, ensuring due process for detainees facing criminal charges and effectively ending violence against peaceful demonstrators, allowing them to enjoy their fundamental human rights to assembly and expression, investigate alleged human rights violations and hold perpetrators accountable.

The European Union also called on all parties to participate actively and constructively in the dialogue efforts, facilitated by the tripartite initiative of the United Nations, the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which we fully support.

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