Sovereign member Professor Raja Nicola meets with Spain’s Ambassador to the Sudan

Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Professor Raja Nicola, confirmed Sudan’s desire to develop and promote its bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Spain.

During her meeting with the Republican Palace today, the Spanish Ambassador to the Sudan, Ambassador Isdro Guanzález Afonso, praised Spain’s support for the transitional period and for the country’s democratization process.

Furthermore, in a press statement, the Spanish Ambassador reiterated his country’s support for the Sudanese dialogue process, facilitated by the tripartite mechanism of the United Nations, the African Union and IGAD, to reach consensus between the Sudanese parties to address the current political crisis and return to the democratic path.

The meeting touched on ways to strengthen cooperation between Khartoum and Madrid on a number of common issues, including environmental protection, which marks World Environment Day today, 5 June.

The Spanish ambassador explained that the meeting reviewed the importance of Sudanese women’s social role and the need to strengthen and empower them to play their role in society.

Ambassador Isdro Guanzalez Afonso added that the meeting reviewed the economic crisis experienced by the Sudan and the countries of the region, caused by normal conditions, and how to work to address it, especially the shortage of wheat commodity, as a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, describing his meeting with the member of the Sovereign Council, Professor Rajaa Nikola, Baludi.

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