The Security Council extends the mandate of UNITAMS in the Sudan

The United Nations Security Council voted on a draft resolution extending the mandate of UNMIS for one year, until 3 June 2023.

The Council unanimously adopted the extension of UNITAMS ‘mandate in the Sudan.

Ireland’s mission to the United Nations said on Twitter that it “supports the renewal of the mandate, but regrets that substantive changes reflecting the current situation in the Sudan have not been agreed.”

The United Kingdom, the sponsor of the draft resolution — “the body responsible for facilitating matters concerning Sudan’s documentation to the United Nations” — had previously submitted a draft preliminary text for renewal of the mandate to the Security Council on 20 May.

On 27 May, the United Kingdom drafted a text containing a “12” month extension without any changes to the Mission’s mandate.

It initially required, with renewal, the use of language reflecting the situation on the ground since the October 2021 military coup d ‘état.

The draft text also sought to condemn the violent crackdown on demonstrators by Sudanese security forces, welcomed the mechanism for triangular cooperation between the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and UNITAMS, which was formed in support of the Sudanese process to end the political crisis, and condemned the violent conflicts in Darfur.

The draft said that UNITAMS mandates should focus on assisting the political transition in the Sudan, supporting peace processes and the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement and future peace agreements, assisting in peacebuilding, the protection of civilians and the rule of law, particularly in Darfur and the “Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile” regions, and supporting economic and development assistance and coordination of humanitarian and peacebuilding efforts.

The sponsor of the draft resolution had consulted widely with the Sudan prior to the renewal of the mandate, including before negotiations began with all Council members.

For its part, the Sudan expressed the view that the text was unbalanced and lacking objectivity, insisting on the “substantive extension” of UNITAMS ‘mandate and conveying its position to other Council members.
India, China, Gabon, Ghana, India, Kenya and Russia supported the request for “substantive extension” and the proposed preliminary amendments to the draft original text. Based on this support, the United Kingdom decided to grant the Sudan its wish.

The relationship between UNITAMS and the Sudan coup d ‘état was strained after the October 2021 proceedings.

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