Mr. WRaqni Kibihu inaugurates the inauguration of the Regional Centre for Leadership in the Sudan

The Executive Secretary of IQAD inaugurated the Regional Centre in Khartoum, thanking the Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge and the Prime Minister in charge of the Minister for Livestock. s Health “, the Minister of Health of the Republic of the Sudan and General Issam Mohamed Hassan Karar The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Defence and his Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee are representatives of bilateral and multilateral partners of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and IGAD colleagues and all attendees of the opening ceremony.

Mr. WRaqni Kibihu sincerely thanked General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, President of the Transitional Sovereign Council and President of the IGAD Conference of Heads of State and Government, for her philanthropic invitation to chair this historic event to inaugurate this IGAD regional centre in the Sudan.

He said: “It is a historic day that brings us together to formally open this Regional Centre and the cornerstone-laying celebration that we will establish later marks another important milestone in our journey forward to take IGAD to the people.”

Describing the Republic of the Sudan as a founding member of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and undoubtedly deserving of hosting this regional centre.

On behalf of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), I thank the Government and people of the Sudan very much for the generous donation of this office building in the prestigious Riyadh neighbourhood of Khartoum, which hosts this facility.

He also thanked the Government of the Sudan for contributing three quarters of an acre of strategically located land near the Ministry of Animal Resources and near Khartoum airport, which would be available to expand IGAD’s future work.

I am particularly honoured to preside over the growth of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) throughout our Member States and to highlight our Organization’s image from the grass roots to the international community.

Welcome to realize this dream that began 6 years ago.

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