The issue of finance and opportunities is at the forefront of the climate summit’s agenda on its third day

The issues of finance and opportunities to finance climate adaptation-related projects dominated the agenda of the Framework Summit of the Parties to the Climate Change Agreement held in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh on its third day.

The session, chaired by Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly, entitled “Climate Finance in a Crisis Era”, saw fruitful discussions from the audience representing all the world’s continents, stressing the importance of creating energy alternatives by focusing on renewable green hydrogen as an alternative to traditional sources of energy.

Speakers stressed the need to prioritize investments in the green hydrogen trade and facilitate its export from producer States of consumer States.

They also called for the allocation of significant funds to invest in the alternative energy sector and to assist developing countries in achieving balanced development.

In the same vein, the Egyptian President and the Prime Minister of Belgium launched the initiative of the Renewed World Hydrogen Forum to discuss the opportunities to provide green oxygen and support its producers, stressing the importance of everyone’s contribution to the Forum, especially the private sector.

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