Al-Burhan: The army is fighting mercenaries from all directions

The President of the Sudanese Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, said that the army was fighting with “mercenaries of all directions” hired by the RSF.

According to a statement by the Transitional Sovereign Council, Burhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, said during an inspection visit to the 19th Infantry Division of the Northern State that those mercenaries had “violated the inviolability of citizens and lost their lives without logic”.

Al-Burhan criticized some politicians in the country, saying, “Some politicians are students of power, even at the expense of the homeland and its people.”

He added that the likes of these “are lying and misleading in support of the rebel militia, but the army is fighting on behalf of the Sudan with strong support from the entire people, and there are no organizations but loyalty to the homeland alone”.

Burhan also inspected the Arqin crossing with Egypt in the city of Wadi Halfa, as part of his visit to the northern state, and directed that trucks be emptied within 7 days.

The statement stated that proof was “to stop the problems facing citizens at the crossing and the efforts of the competent authorities in overcoming them”.

Al-Burhan called for speedy treatment of problems at the crossing point and the creation of a working environment to facilitate the movement of exports and imports, the flow of trade and the removal of obstacles, in coordination with all relevant stakeholders.

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