Khartoum Stock Market closes low

The Khartoum Stock Market Index closed Sunday lower at 30072.716 points.

Compared to today’s trading with last Thursday, trading volume fell from 170,825,240 pounds to 142,694,652 pounds.

The number of securities in circulation increased from 259,192 to 1,184,336.

The number of transactions executed increased from 11 to 27.

Price movements in the banking and investment companies sector have stabilized Nile Bank’s share prices at Pound11.02.

In the commercial sector, Sudanese stock prices have risen for free zones and markets.

In the investment and development sector, the National Advanced Education Systems Corporation is stable.

In the telecommunications and media sector, Sudatel Telecommunications Group Ltd. ‘

In the sector of brokerage companies, the share prices of Al-Rawad Financial Services Company rose at EGP 14.98.

In the sector of instruments and investment funds, the fifth miscellaneous investment fund, the Renewable Energy Investment Fund and the stability of the second Sudatel Investment Fund and the African Investment Engines Fund have declined.

In the investment certificates sector, all Shahama certificates that have been traded are stable.

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