7 foods that boost immunity in winter to prevent viruses

As the coronavirus pandemic, RSV, flu, Strep A and a number of other microbial threats continue to spread, it is necessary to strengthen the physiological protection walls of the immune system to fend off these evolving threats. There is some evidence from scientific and medical literature about foods that can help support the immune system. or at least to promote the maintenance of health and the body’s ability to strengthen the immune system, here’s the list of foods to eat this winter.

  1. Oranges
    Citrus fruits are generally known for their ability to boost immunity water-soluble vitamin ascorbic acid, due to providing fruits for water-soluble vitamin ascorbic acid, Known as vitamin C, both juice and fruit themselves are good sources, Although many orange juice products come with added sugar Some orange slices are probably the healthiest form to eat on a regular basis, Orange in solid image provides a healthy dose of fiber s immune system, along with carotenoids (e.g. lycopene), flavonoids (e.g. HP), vitamin A (retinol and related compounds) antioxidants, which have also been linked in many studies with antioxidant activity and immune strengthening.

2 – Lemon
Citrus fruits rich in ascorbate, such as lemon, provide immune enhancement for similar reasons to orange, this fruit is rich in antioxidants and other immune boosters such as vitamin A, flavonoids, carotenoids, and some complex B vitamins.

3 – Thom
For centuries, garlic has been associated with strengthening and protecting immunity. It is characterized by its antibacterial and viral properties, which are generally associated with the presence of alicin, an organic sulfur compound used by garlic itself as a form of natural pesticide.

4 – Berry
Like citrus, blueberries are particularly rich in flavonides such as hesperidine, which can help prevent and ward off a variety of infections, as well as their antimicrobial properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and relieve symptoms of conditions such as arthritis and asthma.

  1. Brussels and broccoli sprouts
    Vegetables, especially broccoli, are good sources of vitamin C, and may have an antimicrobial effect.
  2. 6. SpinachGreen leafy vegetables are another staple of a healthy diet and one that focuses on maintaining overall health, they are also a stock rich in vitamin C per se which, as with citrus fruits, can help strengthen the immune system.7. Carrot plantThe carrot plant is a particularly rich source of carotenoids such as beta-carotene, which in the body is transformed into vitamin A (retinol and related compounds), a fat-soluble vitamin, which strengthens the immune system in many ways, but mainly by contributing to the proliferation and preparedness of white blood cells.

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