Mobile lab and installation building ready as a laboratory of IGAD for STAC factory

IGAD handed over to the Federal Ministry of Health of the Red Sea State a car, a mobile laboratory and a building equipped for installation, a grant from IGAD in the presence of its representative, Dr. Osman Hassan Belil, and the Director of the United Nations Office for Project Management, Dr. Munir Jafar.

The undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Khalil Mohamed Ibrahim, confirmed that the mobile plant is one of the successful solutions to reach remote areas and provide health services, especially in emergency and epidemic situations.

He stressed the importance of saving lives as part of the Ministry’s concern to provide urgent medical services to patients and the constant readiness to confront and resolve emergency crises.

Khalil said the ministry is seeking to continuously develop the level of health service, indicating that it is a rapid response means to collect and analyze samples in record time.

The agent noted that the World Health Organization (WHO) is supportive of the screening devices that will equip the mobile plant vehicle.

For his part, the representative of IGAD ‘ Ousmane Hassan Belil, continued IGAD support to the Sudan, stating that the purpose of the grant is to strengthen laboratory services and to lift the suffering of the Sudanese people in the circumstances facing the country.

He explained that the grant is a mobile laboratory vehicle and a building equipped for installation that can be used as a plant to strengthen laboratory services in the Sudan, pointing to the completion of maintenance work at Duka hospitals in the state of El Gedaref and the delivery and strengthening of the water network from Camp Umm Rakouba to the city of Duka (12 km).

He noted the role of IGAD during the coronavirus pandemic in cooperation with partners from the European Union and the United Nations Office for Project Management in cooperation with UNICEF and International Migration and providing material support to mitigate the effects of the pandemic in the Sudan, as well as providing equipment, medicine, IV solutions and two P-C R devices in all its accessories to the states of El Qadarif and K. s Republic of Korea “, indicating the provision of 3 ambulances to White Nile States, Kassala, Gedaref, Stressing their continued call to strengthen the health system and develop laboratory services.

The launch was attended by representatives of the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the General Department of International Health and the National Fund for Medical Supplies.

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