Quadripartite call to action for One Health for a safer world

At the conclusion of their first annual meeting, the heads of the Quartet’s single-health approach organizations, FAO, UNEP, WHO and OIE, launched a call for enhanced action at the global level.

The Quadripartite Partnership leaders stressed the need to strengthen cooperation and commitments to translate a one-health approach into policy action in all countries.

They urged all countries and key stakeholders to promote and implement priority actions, including prioritizing the one-health approach in the international policy agenda, promoting understanding and advocating for improved intersectoral health governance to strengthen and prioritize national policies, strategies and plans for a single health approach in accordance with the Quadripartite Partnership’s Joint Single Health Action Plan for the purpose of promoting wider implementation across sectors and at different levels, accelerating the implementation of single health plans.

Including support to national single-health governance and coordination mechanisms, situation analyses, stakeholder mapping, and prioritization and measurements of one-health approach monitoring and evaluation frameworks to establish intersectoral task forces on a single health approach with skills, capabilities and capabilities to prevent, detect, combat and respond to health threats in a timely and effective manner; Promote and promote the innovation and sharing of scientific knowledge and evidence on one’s health, increasing investments and funding for one’s health strategies and plans to ensure broader implementation at all levels; including funding for health risk prevention.

The Quadripartite Partnership plays a central role in promoting and coordinating One Health worldwide in line with the Joint Single Health Approach Action Plan released in October 2022.

In order to provide further support to countries and Governments for the implementation of the One Health Approach, the Quadripartite Partnership partners are preparing a manual for the implementation of the Joint Single Health Approach Action Plan to be issued this year 2023.

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