Signing a memorandum to operationalize the Arab Sustainable Food Security Programme

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), the Federation of Arab Universities and the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils recently signed a partnership memorandum to develop a joint executive programme dealing with issues of knowledge, innovation and research and development as a subprogramme of the Sustainable Programme for Arab Food Security.

It contains an annual joint award to motivate scientists and experts to devise future solutions in the areas of Arab food security. The program also contains a number of projects including enough yields seed production, agricultural e-learning system, space technology for food security.

The hub of knowledge and computerized model of food security, green agricultural technology and smart agriculture, The programme also includes the launch of an initiative to modernize and develop the educational process of Arab agricultural colleges and the launch of an annual scientific forum on food security and sustainable development A joint statement was issued on the sustainable Arab food security programme among the three entities.

Professor Ibrahim Adam Al-Dakhiri, Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, participated in the work of the forty-ninth ordinary session of the Higher Committee for Coordination of Joint Arab Action of the League of Arab States, held at the headquarters of the Arab Broadcasting Union in Tunis, with the participation of Arab organizations, joint action institutions and heads of sectors and departments concerned with the League.

The work of the session chaired by His Excellency the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Abu-Gheit, witnessed the dimension of Sustainable Food Security Programme, which dealt with the current state of agricultural production and the obstacles to its development, Previous efforts and initiatives in the framework of Arab cooperation to reduce the food gap have also been reviewed and put forward several ideas and suggestions that addressed the issues of financing, raising investment in the agricultural sector and forming an Arab strategic food stock, Exploiting the advantages and wealth of the Arab region and other ideas.

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