Sudan approves Muscat’s antimicrobial resistance declaration

Sudan reaffirmed its commitment to action and its support for the Muscat Declaration adopted at the conclusion of the Third World Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, in which a number of ministers from within the Sultanate of Oman and more than 30 ministers and representatives of more than 40 countries of the world participate.

Mr. Hafiz Abdulnabi, Minister of Livestock, stressed the importance of meeting the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance to humans and animals.

Sudan had a national plan of action for antimicrobial resistance, in cooperation with FAO and the Scientific Health Organization, which had been approved in 2018. A pilot project for antimicrobial resistance had been implemented with the joint support of WHO and FAO. FAO had also provided FAO with substantial support from the Fleming Fund in technical support and training to help veterinary laboratories combat antimicrobial resistance.

He appealed to stakeholders for further support in view of the needs of antimicrobial resistance and commended the Sudan’s estimated support from FAO, noting that the next conference would be held in Saudi Arabia in 2024.

His Excellency congratulated the Sultanate of Oman and the people of the Sultanate of Oman on the occasion of the fifty-second National Day and commended the close fraternal ties between the two countries’ leaders and peoples.

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